Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nail Polish...

On March 23, 2013,
My parents went on a marriage retreat. They left around 11:15am my friends Kathleen and Catherine were over to help with the babysitting for the weekend.  We made the kids (all 6 of them) lunch and put them down for naps (only the three youngest the older ones stayed up and read books).  We then played cards until 3:30pm (when the babies woke up) and set up bubbles (bins of soapy water with plastic toys) for the kids. Around 5:30pm we made pizza for dinner, after dinner the kids watched movies and Catherine, Kathleen, and I dressed up with the kids and pretended to be a hotel for Kathleen’s mother. We then laid Sophia down to bed around 8:30pm (Ben was already sleeping). After Mrs. B.* arrived we made her tea and showed her to her room. As we were chatting Joshua came in and said that the light in my room was on (the room that Sophia was “sleeping" in). We all quickly got up knowing that something was not right, as we walked into the room we could smell the strong sent of nail polish. I walked around the bed looking for Sophia and found her with a bottle of dark blue nail polish at her feet, the brush in her hand and paint covering her hands (and pjs), the wall, and my finished wood furniture.  We walked around looking at the damage done and found that the two year old, Benjamin (who was not only in a different room but also behind a baby gate...), also had blue fingernail polish war paint. Mrs. B. walked in as we were taking in Benjamin. She stayed calm and asked for some nail polish remover and a wet rag. As she cleaned Benjamin off I took Sophia and washed her up. Kathleen looked up was to get nail polish off of things and Catherine cleaned the carpet. When we learned how to get the polish off of the wood Kathleen, Catherine, and I got to work cleaning it off. We worked until around 9:45-10:00pm then laid the babies back down and left the room. Thank goodness for Mrs. B. and friends! When we had finished cleaning everything, with the exception of my wall (witch we are allowed to color on with markers and such) and the kids clothes, was clean! You could not even tell that anyone had colored on everything with nail polish. Ever since then we have always made sure to keep the nail polish out of reach. :)

*Names not used for personal reasons. :)